李灿明当选本拿比市议员 BCA掌多数议席

Richard T. Lee, centre right, who will be the replacement byelection candidate for the Liberal Party in the Burnaby South riding, arrives for a news conference in Burnaby, B.C., on Saturday January 19, 2019. Lee replaces Karen Wang, who dropped out of the race earlier this week. Federal byelections will be held on Feb. 25 in three vacant ridings - Burnaby South, where NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is hoping to win a seat in the House of Commons, the Ontario riding of York-Simcoe and Montreal's Outremont. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck Richard T. Lee, centre right, who will be the replacement byelection candidate for the Liberal Party in the Burnaby South riding, arrives for a news conference in Burnaby, B.C., on Saturday January 19, 2019. Lee replaces Karen Wang, who dropped out of the race earlier this week. Federal byelections will be held on Feb. 25 in three vacant ridings - Burnaby South, where NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is hoping to win a seat in the House of Commons, the Ontario riding of York-Simcoe and Montreal's Outremont. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck


本拿比市长Mike Hurley很早就自动连任,因为无人竞争,因此市议员花落谁家受瞩目。最终结果显示, 本拿比公民协会(Burnaby Citizens Association)重新获得其在市议会的权力。

所有4名现任本拿比公民协会议员都再次当选,2名 新成员也选上,代表这个隶属新民主党附属的政党夺下了8名席位中的6名。

李灿明这次参加One Burnaby政党,挤下了该政党原来领头的市议员Mike Hillman,顺利当选市议员。他很遗憾没有更多One Burnaby的同伴能一起加入议会。






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