2022-10-06 21:00:41





运联(TransLink)对此表示,事件发生在星期天下午4时左右,有小浣熊在北温朗斯代尔码头(Lonsdale Quay SeaBus Terminal)堕下,其后被一只成年浣熊救出,牠们很快便离开码头。


@cynthiarobbyn Walking toward the Sea Bus a baby raccoon dropped down beside me from above & for a bit I thought they were really hurt. Seems s/he just knocked the wind out of themselves. Then s/he began to cry…sounding much like a human baby. Momma to the rescue though. ❤️ I kept my distance but stuck around not sure what to do as people were walking by. I felt okay to leave when workers asked people to keep the area clear & move along. How frightening for these animals. #seabus #northvancouver #racoon ♬ original sound – Cyn
