2022-06-09 06:18:26

加妇姪女穿礼服回乌克兰母校废墟 拍下心酸毕业照

六月毕业季到来,毕业生们纷纷回校拍照留念,但俄罗斯入侵乌克兰已逾100天,不少乌克兰学生却面对学校已被轰成废墟,令人心酸。来自加拿大多伦多的安娜(Anna Episheva)在脸书上发布她16岁姪女的照片,她说在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之前,她的姪女曾在哈尔科夫的134号学校读书。她的姪女穿着本来要参加舞会的红色礼服,站在母校废墟前拍毕业照,凄美画面惹人心酸。

这位女高中生瓦莱丽(Valerie)据说一直期待着从学校毕业的那天,并一直与朋友们为这次活动做准备。瓦莱丽表示:「我今年16岁,在哈尔科夫的134号学校读书,在学校有很多朋友,我们就像一个大家庭」、「我和女孩们一起挑礼服,我们很期待每个人在舞会那天都会很美。但是来到我们身边的是『Rysskiy World』,毁了我们所有梦想的计画。」

安娜在照片下方的标题中说,「我的姪女应该在今年从她的高中毕业。她和她的朋友们计画了毕业典礼,买了衣服,并期待着重要的一天。然后俄国人来了。她的学校在2022年2月27日直接被击毁 ……


June was usually a very sweet and emotional time for Ukrainian
high school graduates
Busy planning their graduation parties and choosing the right university to enroll in, they were ecstatic about their future. After the full-scale invasion of Russia, there is very little left of that mood.
But still, Ukrainian youth keeps fighting and dreaming. There is nothing that can break their spirit. Anna Episheva, the aunt of the high school graduate Valerie, shares the story on her Facebook:
‘My niece was supposed to graduate this year from her high school. She and her friends planned the graduation event, bought dresses, and were looking forward to the big day… Then the Russians came. Her school was directly hit and destroyed on Feb 27th, 2022. Today she came back to what is left of her school and her plans for the graduation. Thank you, my dear Valerie, for being strong and brave, so proud of you and love you so much’
