2016-10-21 10:43:05

钟嘉欣晒囡囡甜笑相 与爸爸成个饼印

几个月前荣升为妈咪的钟嘉欣,一直于加拿大专心凑女。今日嘉欣上载囡囡Kelly的可爱相,甜美得意之余,个笑样仲与爸爸Jeremy Leung成个饼印!难怪嘉欣抱住Kelly展露出充满母爱的冧样,并写道:「Her smiles just literally melts my heart + soul. Thank you God for letting me learn to love, to experience the circle of life, to become kinder, gentler, and braver, to become momma bear and protect you with all my might! I Love U Kelly!(她的微笑融化了我的心和灵魂。感谢上帝让我学懂爱,体验生命,变得更亲切、温柔和勇敢,成为熊妈妈般用我的力量保护你!我爱你 Kelly!)」